The family of ten-year-old Justin inherits a petrol station with car wash and workshop on England’s south coast from a late uncle. As Justin’s father has just lost his job, the family decides to continue the petrol station and moves to the steep coast.

It turns out that the petrol station is located in the middle of a car-free nature reserve. When they inspect their new house and surroundings, the family is surprised to find boxes full of coins inside the car wash. The boxes miraculously keep filling up with coins, day after day and no one understands where the money is coming from.

Justin, having carefully listened to the tales of the old fisherman who knew Justin’s great grandmother, has a sneaking suspicion. One night, he decides to keep a close eye on the car wash when he suddenly hears a noise in the sky and witnesses an angel land directly in front of the entrance …

by Petra Steckelmann


Edition Pastorplatz | hc | 170 pp | 150 x 210 mm | 2019 | 8+

All rights available, except for Simplified Chinese


[original title: Die Waschanlage der Schutzengel]