Martin Baltscheit

The Little Prince Celebrates Christmas

The Little Prince. I wonder how he’s doing? The muzzle had no strap, remember? Did the sheep eat the rose after all and did the planet get blown up by the baobab trees afterwards? What would the prince do without the rose and the planet?

What has Antoine done in the meantime? Waited for him in the desert?

In a magical and very amusing Christmas story, Martin Baltscheit answers many questions and brings the Little Prince back to earth – on Christmas Eve of all days.

Karl Rauch Verlag

Children’s Fiction

Original title: Der kleine Prinz feiert Weihnachten
Age 6+
96 pp | € 15
hc | 170 x 240 mm
Publication: September 2018

Author & Illustrator: Martin Baltscheit

Rights sold: Simplified Chinese


“The return of the prince is fantastic” – Rheinische Post

“Philosophical, yet light, with courage and humour” – Unsere Kinder, Vienna

“Martin Baltscheit succeeds very well and credibly in capturing the essence of the Little Prince.” – Leselebenszeichen

“Intellectually poetic language, faithful illustrations and philosophical social criticism” – ekz

“Martin Baltscheit tells the story with his own illustrations courageously and with wit. The result is a contemporary fairy tale that combines philosophical depth and narrative ease in a unique manner.“ –

In the same series