Maec Mief BaumstammBetween bagpipes and flying tree trunks: the second case for the Scottish sheep Mac Stink

There are not only bagpipe players at the Highland Games, the traditional Scottish folk festival: a thief has stolen the wallets of the entire Olifant family! Luckily, sheep Mac Pong and his friend, sheepdog Bonnie, have come along as mascots. Following an adventurous chase they are able to catch the thief and finally even receive a medal from the Queen herself—even though Mac Pong would rather have eaten the flowers on the royal hat.

by Carola Becker & Ina Krabbe

Südpol Verlag | hc | 92 pp | 148 x 210 mm | Feb 2016

All rights available

[original title: Mäc Mief und das total verrückte Baumstammwerfen]

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