Markus Orths & Kerstin Meyer
Grandpa Flies
In the end, air and love remain
Grandpa Winnie is incredible. In his life he has set 857 records. Today, Grandpa Winnie is planning a new record: with the help of a potion, he wants to become the lightest person in the world, because his doctor has told him that he only has four weeks to live.
This story about a special grandpa and his two grandchildren approaches the topics of death and mourning, saying goodbye and remembering in a wonderful, touching and completely new way.
Moritz Verlag
Early Readers
Original title: Opa fliegt
Age 7+
96 pp | € 11,95
hc | 154 x 216 mm
Publication: 2022
Author: Markus Orths
Illustrator: Kerstin Meyer
All rights available
- Look inside
- Book trailer
- Touching approach to the subject of death and mourning
- Awards

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By the same author and illustrator