Jörg Mühle
Tickle My Ears

The worldwide bestselling interactive bedtime book for toddlers.
This sweet and simple boardbook invites children to take part in Little Rabbit’s charming new bedtime ritual by helping to put bunny to bed with a fun activity on each page.
It’s getting late and Little Rabbit must go to sleep. Can you help him? When Little Rabbit asks “Tickle My Ears?” a wonderful new bedtime ritual begins: Clap your hands, fluff the pillow, give Little Rabbit’s ears a tickle, stroke his back, pull up the covers and a goodnight kiss. And don’t forget to turn out the light: here’s the switch!
Designed to be read aloud, this is a fun and surprising book that teaches toddlers and preschoolers about bedtime routines and makes a perfect baby shower or infant birthday gift.
Moritz Verlag
Board Book
Original title: Nur noch kurz die Ohren kraulen?
Age 2+
22 pp | € 9.95
bb | 170 x 170 mm
Publication: Feb 2015
Author & Illustrator: Jörg Mühle
Rights sold: Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (compl. & simpl.), Danish, Dutch, English (world), Faroese, Finnish, Gaelic, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
- Interactive bed-time-story
- Enchanting illustrations of a loveable character
- Award-winning author
- White Ravens 2015
- Leselotse 2015
- Nominated as Baby Book of the Year (Netherlands)

“A wonderful interactive bedtime book for children and little rabbits.” – Axel Scheffler
“The most unbelievably cute book imaginable!” – Björn Lauer, Hugendubel
“Soft, crayonlike outlines and some lovely touches (Little Rabbit’s rosy cheeks have the texture of thumbprints) help establish a quiet mood that could help pave the way for smooth bedtimes on readers’ parts, too.” – Publishers Weekly (US)
“The illustrations are harmoniously reduced, the colours dipped in evening-soft tones, the instructions simple and varied – and the cute protagonist doesn’t just enchant tired children. With a big cuddle and favourite-book-factor!” – Stiftung Lesen (German Reading Foundation)
“This is a sweet bedtime book for little people to read before they nod off themselves.” – School Library Journal, Top 100 Boardbooks
“Jörg Mühle satirises all those multitasking children’s books that crow at the push of a button, show colourful films or at least have fuzzy fur. His book doesn’t have all that and yet works just the same.” – Karin Grossmann, Sächsische Zeitung
By the same author and illustrator