Love in all colours—totally normal, right?

Barnie‘s life is anything but straightforward. She is raised by two fathers who are still shockingly old-fashioned. Smartphones & Co. are absolutely taboo. Instead, she is given a dull diary for her 13th birthday.

In this diary, she talks about her chaotic life, above all about the project at her school. Together with her Sergej, whom she has a crush on, she takes care of her baby doll Herbie—like real parents around the clock. But it turns out that Daddy Sergej is not as cool as she thought. And then suddenly Tore appears ….

A wonderfully funny novel about the emotional lives of teenagers, motley family constellations and the realisation that life only gets exiting when you don‘t swim with the crowd.


  • Rainbow-coloured emotional chaos of a 13-year-old girl
  • Full of humour and self-irony
  • Successful and award-winning author

by Kathrin Schrocke


Mixtvision | hc | 200 pp | 2021 | 12+

Rights sold: Danish


[original title: Bunte Fische überall]