
Strange things happen in Mrs. Beehive’s garden, the otherwise tranquil home of Sam Stripe: at first, the eggs of the breeding bird parents disappear and then the hatchlings are kidnapped! Sam Stripe is extremely worried.

In the dive bar that is run by the shrew mouse behind the rain barrel, Sam Stripe and his friends Mole, rabbit Ali, the two dormice Flip and Flop and bat Shakira forge out a plan to outsmart the bird thief. An exciting adventure in, above, underneath and behind the garden of Mrs. Beehive!

by Uwe Becker

“Adorable story with wonderfully cheeky illustrations.” – Ostthüringische Zeitung

“Wonderful humour, loveable characters—an exceptional experience.” – KiBuLo

“An entertaining reading adventure that is not only for the young ones.” – Landlust

Südpol Verlag | hc | 224 pp | 160 x 220 mm | with 55 b&w illustrations by Ina Krabbe | 2012 | 8+

All rights available

[original title: Zipfelmaus jagt den Vogeldieb]