
The Lost Child

Children experience flight and new beginnings, migration and integration. This book inspires confidence through children’s eyes and children’s ears.

A Christmas story about migration, flight and new beginnings. Sensitive and clear images evoke dialogue in viewers of all ages without being frightening or trivialising. A Christmas story with special potential for positive access to and interaction with the experiences of flight of a wide range of people.

“Help to find the missing child and all the other children. They play, grow and build a new reality. Side by side with us, they generously give hope to all – as if it were nothing special.

The Lost Child is a book about the creative power of children.”


Edition Bracklo

Picture Book

Original title: Das verschwundene Kind
Age 5+
34 pp | € 22
hc | 248 x 325 mm
Publication: 2018

Author & Illustrator: Tàssies

All rights available excl. Catalan and Spanish


“What is a nightmare in the book is reality for many children. It is dedicated to all those whose fragile lives are put in danger by adults. All those who, despite everything, play, grow and build a new reality. Tàssie’s illustrations are linocut, oppressive and evocative. This picture book about the creative power of children is at the same time a strong plea for child protection – and limitless protection at that.” – buuu.ch

“On the day before Epiphany, the figure of Jesus disappears from a child’s cot. In a dream, the child embarks on an adventurous search for the figure. In richly contrasting and colourful pictures, growing up in peaceful conditions and growing up in conditions marked by war and flight are skilfully juxtaposed. The surreal picture book offers an insight into the world of children’s dreams, in which destruction and displacement are dealt with in a child-friendly, hopeful way.” – Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin

“A story of escape about the creative power of children and their play. An exhilarating courageous story about humanity and charity.” – Primary School Magazine

By the same author and illustrator