Oscar is Dad’s brother. He wants to move into the house where the whole family already lives. “Is he like you?”, asks Mum. “No, different”, says Dad. “Then he can start by trimming the hedge”, says Mum. “He won’t do that”, says Dad.

Then Oscar arrives and only does what he wants. He does not do what he does not want. He plays pirates with the children, sings songs to Granddad, eats sweets on the sly with Grandma and brings a white bunny home from the market. Oscar is a brilliant cook and makes a big mess everywhere, including smudges on the dress of Mum’s boss.

“He disrupts everything”, says Mum, “Oscar has to go”. Then Oscar is gone. And suddenly everyone realizes that they had been happy with him!

Leonard Erlbruch has colourfully staged Jutta and Jeremy Langreuter’s story about a loveable nerd with funny details.

by Leonard Erlbruch & Jutta and Jeremy Langreuter

Oskar is a funny book that gives you food for thought.”- Der Tagesspiegel

Oskar … shows that sometimes you can achieve more when you approach things in a more relaxed and laid-back manner.” – janetts-meinung.de

Peter Hammer Verlag | 24 pp | 200 x 275 mm | 2019 | 4+

All rights available

[original title: Oskar]