Michael Heinze & Katrin Stangl
Muscle In! Wild Games for Children

Children love to romp and tussle!
A book full of opportunities to get to know and accept your own limits and those of others through games.
Training dexterity, measuring strength or winning together – all this is best done through play.
Games for outdoors and indoors, for two or for many, at home, in kindergarten, at school, in a club … Muscle In! has a suitable game for every occasion.
Fair rules are essential to promote physical control and self-confidence.
This book, impressively and imaginatively designed by award-winning illustrator Katrin Stangl, brings together games to tussle, jostle, rump around, from “tug-of-war” and “cockfighting” to “clothes peg stealing” and “monkey hunting” – activities that always focus on the joy of movement!
All the games are designed to get children away from the screen – knowing that a backyard and a few simple ideas are all they need!
Moritz Verlag
Picture Book | Activity Book
Original title: Muskelsalat. Wilde Spiele für Kinder
Age 6+
96 pp | € 20
hc | 173 x 235
Publication: Feb 2025
Author: Michael Heinze
Illustrator: Katrin Stangl
All rights available
- Look inside
- Book trailer
- Includes 42 games
- Games for groups of two, three and more children
- Promotes physical control and self-confidence
- Awards

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By the same author and illustrator