Leipziger Lesekompass 
This yearly prize is awarded by the Leipzig Book Fair and Stiftung Lesen [Reading Trust]. The winners are selected from all new books that were published in Germany within the last twelve months running up to each Leipzig book Fair. In 2014, the winners were selected from around 8,000 new publications!
The Leipzig Reading Compass selects titles that combine reading fun with creative approaches to promote reading and reading skills. The award is intended to give parents and educationalists guidance and orientation and to motivate children and young adults to read.
The prize is awarded to ten books from each of these three categories:
- books for children aged 2 – 6 years
- books for children aged 6 – 10 years
- books for children aged 10 – 14 years
The jury is made up of independent professionals from kindergartens, schools, libraries, bookshops and readers (children) and bloggers.